
Adobe AIR native extension

Provides access to the Parse SDK

The extension is available here: com.distriqt.Parse


Setup Parse

1. Create Parse Application
2. Configuring iOS

Setup the Extension

1. Add the Extension
2. Initialise the Extension


1. Setup Application

External Links

- ASDocs

Setup the application and Notification registration

Now we need to provide the APPLICATION ID and CLIENT KEY you should have noted eariler. During the setupApplication call the application will be initialised and registered for notifications.

If any notifications were received on startup then they will be dispatched at this point so it is important that you add any required listeners for the notification events before calling setup, otherwise you may miss the startup notification.

When registration has succeeded you can subscribe to any specific channels you may require for your user. You can also list any subscriptions the user currently has. See the asdocs for more on these calls.

if (Parse.isSupported)
	Parse.service.addEventListener( ParseEvent.NOTIFICATION, parse_notificationHandler );
	Parse.service.addEventListener( ParseEvent.REGISTER_SUCCESS, parse_registerHandler );
	Parse.service.addEventListener( ParseEvent.ERROR, parse_errorHandler );
	// The important setup call with your APPLICATION ID and CLIENT KEY from Parse
	Parse.service.setupApplication( "PARSE_APPLICATION_ID", "PARSE_CLIENT_KEY" );
private function parse_registerHandler( event:ParseEvent ):void
	// Your application is now setup and registered for push notifications

private function parse_errorHandler( event:ParseEvent ):void
	trace( "ERROR:: " + );

private function parse_notificationHandler( event:ParseEvent ):void
	trace("Remote notification received! :: " + event.type );
	trace( );